Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Days of the week

I have figured it out - there is really no one good day of the week.   As far as my calendar goes, here are MY days of the week

Sappy Sunday
Manic Monday
Tipsy Tuesday
Wierd Wednesday
Terrible Thursday
Freaky Friday
Sloppy Saturday.

Why do I say this, you ask?  Well' I'll tell you (I'm gonna tell you even if you DIDN'T ask!) - - -

There is always something that happens every day of the week that just throws off the entire day.  It may not bew anything big - it can be as simple as loosing your car keys (and that happens to me - - - ALOT!) all the way to  - well, anything goes here!  But you have to know the feeling.

For example, yesterday I got to work and found that we were short-staffed.  So I had to help find replacements/subs for the missing staff.  Now in and of itself, that's no big deal, right?  Except we are SUPPOSED to have a system in place that brings subs in whenever a staff person is out, for whatever reason.  But does it work?  NOOOO!!   So for the rest of the day, we operate under "Planic" mode.  What's that?  "Planned Panic!"  And unfortunatley this is more the norm than the exception.

Now today went pretty well - everyone was at work, the day went relativley smoothly, with no big issues.  BUT - when I get home, I start to work on a PC I am building (remember my hobbies?) - and CRASH!!!!  System failure!.  Now in of itself, no biggie, as I was in the initial stages of building, but now I gotta start all over again.

Now I'm not saying that I don't have good days - I do.  But there is still always something that happens that kind of throws a wrench into the works, and just messes up an otherwise perfect day.

I think that Murphy has something to do with this - You know Murphy?  He wrote that stupid, but true law -

"In any field of human endeavor, no matter what, if there is anything that could possibly go wrong - - - it will."

There are many variants of Murphy's law, too.  Here are a few of my favorites:

If there is a possibility of several things going wrong, the one that will cause the most damage will be the one to go wrong
A dropped power tool will always land on the concrete instead of the soft ground (if outdoors) or the carpet (if indoors) - unless it is running, in which case it will fall on something it can damage (like your foot).

After you bought a replacement for something you've lost and searched for everywhere, you'll find the original.
No matter how long or how hard you shop for an item, after you've bought it, it will be on sale somewhere cheaper.

Traffic is inversely proportional to how late you are, or are going to be

(If you want to see more, or pick out your favorite version, just visit http://www.murphys-laws.com/)

Well, that's about all I have for today.  Hope you enjoyed my little blog.   Have a great day!! - - - or not.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

The passing of a friend

I lost a close friend today.  Roy Gilliland (Mr. Roy to his friends) passed away today. 

Mr. Roy was an active soul - he was a farmer, hunter, sportsman, and all-around friend.  He was always there if you needed him, and always had a good storey to tell.  He was the type that would give you the shirt off your back, and would go and buy you a new one if his didn't fit.

Roy will be sorely missed by his friends & family.  The only consolation we all have is that he is now living free with God.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

We're getting ready

For the last couple of weeks, we have been going thru our closets and storage sheds, checking out what we have, and comparing it to our "need it" list.  It's surprising what we find when we do this.  We used to just run to the store or pick up one at a garage sale.  Then, about a moth or two later, we find the one we already had, so we end up with two (or three, or - - ) of this item.  But now, we look first before buying.

But still, we usually end up with two (or three, or - - ) somethings, and then we have to decide - "what do we do with the extra one?"  Well, sometimes, we give it to my daughter Hope & son (in-law) Richard so they can end up with two (or three, or - - - ) of this item.  But usually they tell us they have one and don't need another.  Darn - we're stuck with it!  So what then?  Well, it's time for us to have our own (Drum Roll, please!) GARAGE SALE!!!

Yep, we too have a garage sale.  Now with us, we have a garage sale with one goal in mind - to get rid of EVERYTHING!!  We usually don't have any item over a buck, unless we are selling furniture or an appliance or TV, and even then we sell cheap.  Anything left after the sale we load up and haul to Goodwill or the Salvation Army.

Now for us a garage sale isn't just putting a few things on a table & hanging a sign or two and hoping we make enough to pay for the ad in the paper.  For us, it's an EVENT!  After we have sorted thru the "hidden treasures" we have (and we have Hope & Richard go thru their closets, too - and sometimes my dad, or Kandis's mom or nieces - our friends, family, etc.) we get everything together in one place, usually Tuesday night or Wednesday, and price everything.  Then we arrange to borrow some tables for the sale.  We pick them up Friday afternoon.

Then comes SALE DAY!  We start setting up at around 7:00 AM (our sale doesn't "open" until 9:00), and usually have most of it out by 8:00.  We put out at least 4 signs (we custom-print them on our PC), and set a sign out front with an amber beacon on top (yeah, we get fancy).   By then we usually have had at least a 1/2 dozen customers, and have sold a few items that may be "in demand" in our area.  Then it's a quick trip to Hardees or the local donut shop for breakfast.  Then we (usually me, Kandis, Hope, Richard, sometimes Elby & Connie (friends), or Kandis's mom) sit around and drink coffee and eat breakfast.  All the time, we are selling things, and making deals. 

At Around 10:00, we brew the second pot of coffee, and rearrange some of the items, condensing them down so we can fold up a table (more room) or put stuff up on a table that may have been sitting on the ground.   We are still getting a good flow of customers, but it has slowed down somewhat.

Then at around 11:30, we start planning lunch.  Sometimes a quick trip to the local burger joint, sometimes we whip up something - it all depends on what we are in the mood for (and how much we have sold).  Then the second round of customers start to show up, so we have the "noon rush".

By two, it's starting to slow down, and it's getting pretty close to closing time.  Depending on how much stuff we have, we usually close at 2:00 or 3:00.   Then, after closing, we pack up what's left, and load it up and take it to the donation bin.  Then we return the tables, take down our signs, and clean up.

BUT WAIT - we're not done yet!.  After all of this, we take a bit of a break and count up the tally, and split it up.  Then we start planning dinner.  Sometimes we go out & eat, others we do up something at home, usually involving the BBQ grill and some steaks or seafood (or both).  Then, after dinner, we do a final total to see how the day went, grumble a bit cause we didn't make as much as we were hoping - and start to plan for next year's sale!  Cause you know we're going to do it again!

Garage sales - a summer event!

I'll end this blog with a saying that I firmly believe in - - -

Remember this motto to live by:

Life should NOT be a journey to

the grave with the intention of

arriving safely in an attractive

and well preserved body.

but rather to skid in sideways,

chocolate in hand,

body thoroughly used up,

totally worn out and screaming

what a ride!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

You can sell anything on eBay

Hello all -

Yesterday I talked about hobbies, and what me & my wife did for the fun of it.  As you may or may not noticed, interspersed thru the blog was "Garage Sale", and 'eBay".  It just so happens that these 2 things are the most favorite things my wife & I do.

We have been together for over 20 years, and every summer we look forward to garage sales.  What fun - perusing the paper to find those "really good deals" and then getting up at the crack of dawn so we can be the first one there.  And the feeling when we successfully catch that elusive item we were looking for.  Now, we may not NEED it, but we WANT it!

Now, on to eBay - I started "surfing" eBay about 10 years ago - it was a place where we could find new or near-new items at a fantastically reduced price.  For many years, I just bought on eBay, and never attempted to sell anything.  But when my wife decided top get rid of her stamps (most of which were bought on eBay), and me my scanners (same thing), it became more appealing to try and sell them on eBay - so we did.  And fell in love.   Then we took our 2 passions - garage sales & eBay and combined them into one adventure.  We still go to garage sales to find that "one special item we just can't do without" but we also look for items to sell on eBay.  Some times we find a treasure that sells well, and sometimes it ends up going in OUR garage sale box.

But you CAN sell anything on eBay.  Here is my "proof".  I went to a local supermarket, and they were selling 12 packs of Coke with the Nascar "Coke Racing Team" depicted on the cases.  There were 3 different cases, and the store had all 3 on display.  So, especially since Coke was on sale, I bought all 3.  I went home, carefully opened the 12 packs and put the coke in the fridge.  I then took the empty 12 pack cases - - and sold them on eBay - and they Sold - for more than I paid for the pop!!!

My next "success" story on eBay was that I had bought a CD at a local garage sale (see the trend?) and listed it on eBay.  I started it at 99 cents - and watched the price go higher - - -and higher - - - And Higher - - - AND HIGHER!!!  It finally sold for (are you ready?)  $78.00!! For A USED CD from a YARD SALE!!

Now by no means have I gotten "rich" off of eBay - sometimes I'm lucky if my find pays for our garage saleing for the day.  But once in a while I do find something that I sell and make a few bucks off of it.   I don't plan on doing this "professionally" - - - at least not yet. Who knows what the future will bring?  But it is fun to buy something at a local auction or yard sale and see how it sells on eBay.  

Keep an eye on my eBay site - rummagesaleusa (sound's professional, right?? - it was just luck to get this username - but again, who knows??).  Or check out eBay in general.  You never know - you might just find that one item you can't do without!

Happy garage saleing!

Dave J

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Everyone's gotta have a hobby

Everyone has to have a hobby - reading, camping, fishing, scrapbooking, - - - the list goes on & on. 

Even I have a hobby or two.  But my wife complains that my hobbies are too expensive.  Soooo - - let's compare.

A few years ago I was into police scanners.  Yes - Police Scanners.  I had a BUNCH of them - one in every car, and one in every room in the house.  Now most of them I bought used, either at rummage sales, or on eBay.  But all in all I probably had around $1000 invested in various scanners over this time. 

My wife on the other hand was interested in stamping and cardmaking.  Now you say how expensive can that be?  A few stamps, some colored paper, some scissors, and Viola - some nice cards.  Now here are the facts - - each set of stamps she bought cost anywhere from $8 - $15 a set.  And she had over 60 sets of stamps!  Plus a bunch of individual ones that cost $3 - 5 apiece.  And then scissors - 27 pair of scissors - wavy cut, zig-zag cut, classical cut - the list goes on.  and let's NOT talk about paper!  Card stock in multiple colors, decorative paper, translucent paper, etc. etc. etc.  Plus the inks, embossing powder, embossing & glue guns - she had more tools than me - and I'm a mechanic!!  I am willing to bet she had between $1100 - 1200 invested in her hobby.

Both of our hobbies were so expensive to maintain, we finally made a deal - if I spent money on my hobby, she got to spend an equivalent amount, and vice versa.  It worked out pretty well.

Now the thing about hobbies is that you get bored of them after a while, and look for something new to do.  Which happened to both of us.  She "fell" first - her interest in stamping wained, so she started doing scrapbooking.  Some of her stamping stuff (paper, pens, markers, scissors, etc) she could use, but not so much the stamps.  Luckily stamps were still a hot item, so we managed to sell all of her stamps, except for a favorite few (we actually made a few bucks at it, too!).  Unfortunately she tired of that pretty quickly (my daughter showed her how to do video scrapbooks using PowerPoint).  So off to the sale for that stuff.  THEN - she got into Jewelry making.  Beads, wire, pendants, etc.  BOXES & BOXES of it!!  BUT - after a year or so of making necklaces & bracelets as gifts, I said to her - "Have you ever thought of selling them?"  And BOOM - off we went!  She actually had found a hobby that could make money!  And she is still doing it today!

Now for me - I also was lucky - I was able to sell all my scanners but one - and I also made a fair profit on the sale of them (Thanks eBay!).  But my next hobby was a little more elusive.  I tried auto customization, but that was TOO expensive (although I still dabble), woodworking (again, too expensive - that never did take off as all I could afford was a circular saw, router & drill).  But now my newest hobby - and for this I have to back up a bit - - -

I have been a computer geek since high school.  I remember in my Junior year of High School taking Computer class.  They had a huge teletype-like machine that had no screen (everything printed out on paper) and all we could do on it was some simple programs, and communicate with other schools.  Then we got the first "real"computer - it had the "Green Screen" - nothing but text - but with this new technology we were able to hack into one of the University computers and access their databases.  What Fun!  From then on I was hooked!

My computer life started with a Timex Sinclair computer - you plugged it into your TV, and used a cassette player for your storage device.  But I wrote a program to do my taxes on this machine.  Then - a Tandy 1000 computer with Deskmate operating software.  WOW - This was "the future" - I was online for the first time with Compuserve (You remember them - the little Internet provider that became AOL?)  Then my first Windows PC - a Packard Bell with Windows 3.1.  Then a "Custom made" machine from a local store with Win95, which I upgraded to Win98.  Then a Gateway with WinME.  Then it hut me - I was spending between $1500 to 2500 for each machine - only to get it home and find it was already obsolete!  CRAZY!  So I started buying "obsolete" computers at yard sales & flea markets, and rebuilding them myself.  Then I got into networking - and the rest is "history".  I now have 7 computers, all networked together, and all online via cable modem.  I haven't taken the jump to wireless yet, although I do own a wireless router.

As far as the next step - who knows?  I have turned my hobby into a bit of a moneymaker, too, as I buy, jazz up, and then sell PCs.  I also repair some as well.   Not alot - just enough to keep my fingers in it.

Hey - everyone's gotta have a hobby!

Friday, September 17, 2010

My pets

This may sound strange to some - but you haven't lived until you get a dog for a pet.  They bring a level of insanity to your life that you otherwiswe wouldn't have.

Now, my family is REALLY insane!  We have 4 dogs - Buddy, a beagle, Luna, a blue heeler/cocker spaniel cross, Smokey, a corgi/??? cross, and Jade, a Burmeese Mountain Dog/???  cross.  Buddy & Jade were Pound Puppies, rescued from the local animal shelter, and Luna was adopted from a lady who'se dog had puppies, and Smokey was rescued from a questionable home. 

I know it sounds crazy - 4 dogs???  But wait - there's more!  My dad has Peggy, a boston terrier that he rescued from the pound.  Peggy comes over & visits on a pretty regular basis, so on some days we have 5 dogs rolicking around on our yard.  And with 4 or 5 dogs, it can get pretty wild around here. 

All the dogs love to "wrestle" and do so - alot!  They also bark at everything that moves within a 1/4 mile radius of our house.  In and of itself this isn't too bad (yeah, right!), but Luna has this high-pitched yowling bark that could, if left untended, shatter windows and severely damage eardrums.

And they ALL chase squirrels, rabbits, birds, and whatever else wanders into our yard.  Now mind you, they haven't caught one yet - and I believe the squirrels & rabbits know where the fence line is, and get the dogs to chase them just to see them hit the fence at a full run!

These dogs are not the first that we have had - our first dog was Sam & Andy - 2 black toy poodles that my wife had before we got amrried.  Then we got Cheyenne, a border collie/terrier mix.  Then there was Jewell, a golden lab/commodore mix (the color of the lab, the size of the commodore (you know - small horse!).

Unfortunatley for us, these dogs are gone - hopefully to a better place (All dogs DO go to heaven).  And Jade is getting up there in years, but I think she still has a few good years left in her.

When these dogs are gone, will we replace them?  YOU BET!!  Although we may "downsize" a bit - or maybe not.  But we do love these dogs, and recommend that you, too, go to your local shelter and adopt a dog of your own.  Or, if not a dog fancier, many shelters have a selection of cats as well.

I think this video shows it best - check it out:


Adopt a pet today!!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

My first blog

Hello everyone.

This will be my first attempt at blogging, so until I get the hang of this, I am willing to bet it will be pretty random.   I know I have a lot of stuff to talk about, but no real rhyme or reason on what order to put it all in.

So let's begin.

Most of the things I will blog about will probably rotate around my many hobbies - building PCs, auto repair and customizing, buying & selling on eBay, home repair & remodeling - - -the list goes on & on.  Once I get going, I may begin "theme weeks" where all my posts that week are about one subject or subject line.  But that remains to be seen.

My wife got me interested in this (check out her blog at http://kandisjsworld.blogspot.com/).  She blogs pretty much every weekday, and they are pretty interesting.

So I look forward to doing this, and I hope my readers find at least some of the stuff I blog about interesting.

Have a great day!
