Sunday, September 19, 2010

You can sell anything on eBay

Hello all -

Yesterday I talked about hobbies, and what me & my wife did for the fun of it.  As you may or may not noticed, interspersed thru the blog was "Garage Sale", and 'eBay".  It just so happens that these 2 things are the most favorite things my wife & I do.

We have been together for over 20 years, and every summer we look forward to garage sales.  What fun - perusing the paper to find those "really good deals" and then getting up at the crack of dawn so we can be the first one there.  And the feeling when we successfully catch that elusive item we were looking for.  Now, we may not NEED it, but we WANT it!

Now, on to eBay - I started "surfing" eBay about 10 years ago - it was a place where we could find new or near-new items at a fantastically reduced price.  For many years, I just bought on eBay, and never attempted to sell anything.  But when my wife decided top get rid of her stamps (most of which were bought on eBay), and me my scanners (same thing), it became more appealing to try and sell them on eBay - so we did.  And fell in love.   Then we took our 2 passions - garage sales & eBay and combined them into one adventure.  We still go to garage sales to find that "one special item we just can't do without" but we also look for items to sell on eBay.  Some times we find a treasure that sells well, and sometimes it ends up going in OUR garage sale box.

But you CAN sell anything on eBay.  Here is my "proof".  I went to a local supermarket, and they were selling 12 packs of Coke with the Nascar "Coke Racing Team" depicted on the cases.  There were 3 different cases, and the store had all 3 on display.  So, especially since Coke was on sale, I bought all 3.  I went home, carefully opened the 12 packs and put the coke in the fridge.  I then took the empty 12 pack cases - - and sold them on eBay - and they Sold - for more than I paid for the pop!!!

My next "success" story on eBay was that I had bought a CD at a local garage sale (see the trend?) and listed it on eBay.  I started it at 99 cents - and watched the price go higher - - -and higher - - - And Higher - - - AND HIGHER!!!  It finally sold for (are you ready?)  $78.00!! For A USED CD from a YARD SALE!!

Now by no means have I gotten "rich" off of eBay - sometimes I'm lucky if my find pays for our garage saleing for the day.  But once in a while I do find something that I sell and make a few bucks off of it.   I don't plan on doing this "professionally" - - - at least not yet. Who knows what the future will bring?  But it is fun to buy something at a local auction or yard sale and see how it sells on eBay.  

Keep an eye on my eBay site - rummagesaleusa (sound's professional, right?? - it was just luck to get this username - but again, who knows??).  Or check out eBay in general.  You never know - you might just find that one item you can't do without!

Happy garage saleing!

Dave J

1 comment:

  1. You are right ebaying is fun. I like to find the bargins and then have you put them up for sale. It is always fun to see what price they bring.
