Wednesday, September 22, 2010

We're getting ready

For the last couple of weeks, we have been going thru our closets and storage sheds, checking out what we have, and comparing it to our "need it" list.  It's surprising what we find when we do this.  We used to just run to the store or pick up one at a garage sale.  Then, about a moth or two later, we find the one we already had, so we end up with two (or three, or - - ) of this item.  But now, we look first before buying.

But still, we usually end up with two (or three, or - - ) somethings, and then we have to decide - "what do we do with the extra one?"  Well, sometimes, we give it to my daughter Hope & son (in-law) Richard so they can end up with two (or three, or - - - ) of this item.  But usually they tell us they have one and don't need another.  Darn - we're stuck with it!  So what then?  Well, it's time for us to have our own (Drum Roll, please!) GARAGE SALE!!!

Yep, we too have a garage sale.  Now with us, we have a garage sale with one goal in mind - to get rid of EVERYTHING!!  We usually don't have any item over a buck, unless we are selling furniture or an appliance or TV, and even then we sell cheap.  Anything left after the sale we load up and haul to Goodwill or the Salvation Army.

Now for us a garage sale isn't just putting a few things on a table & hanging a sign or two and hoping we make enough to pay for the ad in the paper.  For us, it's an EVENT!  After we have sorted thru the "hidden treasures" we have (and we have Hope & Richard go thru their closets, too - and sometimes my dad, or Kandis's mom or nieces - our friends, family, etc.) we get everything together in one place, usually Tuesday night or Wednesday, and price everything.  Then we arrange to borrow some tables for the sale.  We pick them up Friday afternoon.

Then comes SALE DAY!  We start setting up at around 7:00 AM (our sale doesn't "open" until 9:00), and usually have most of it out by 8:00.  We put out at least 4 signs (we custom-print them on our PC), and set a sign out front with an amber beacon on top (yeah, we get fancy).   By then we usually have had at least a 1/2 dozen customers, and have sold a few items that may be "in demand" in our area.  Then it's a quick trip to Hardees or the local donut shop for breakfast.  Then we (usually me, Kandis, Hope, Richard, sometimes Elby & Connie (friends), or Kandis's mom) sit around and drink coffee and eat breakfast.  All the time, we are selling things, and making deals. 

At Around 10:00, we brew the second pot of coffee, and rearrange some of the items, condensing them down so we can fold up a table (more room) or put stuff up on a table that may have been sitting on the ground.   We are still getting a good flow of customers, but it has slowed down somewhat.

Then at around 11:30, we start planning lunch.  Sometimes a quick trip to the local burger joint, sometimes we whip up something - it all depends on what we are in the mood for (and how much we have sold).  Then the second round of customers start to show up, so we have the "noon rush".

By two, it's starting to slow down, and it's getting pretty close to closing time.  Depending on how much stuff we have, we usually close at 2:00 or 3:00.   Then, after closing, we pack up what's left, and load it up and take it to the donation bin.  Then we return the tables, take down our signs, and clean up.

BUT WAIT - we're not done yet!.  After all of this, we take a bit of a break and count up the tally, and split it up.  Then we start planning dinner.  Sometimes we go out & eat, others we do up something at home, usually involving the BBQ grill and some steaks or seafood (or both).  Then, after dinner, we do a final total to see how the day went, grumble a bit cause we didn't make as much as we were hoping - and start to plan for next year's sale!  Cause you know we're going to do it again!

Garage sales - a summer event!

I'll end this blog with a saying that I firmly believe in - - -

Remember this motto to live by:

Life should NOT be a journey to

the grave with the intention of

arriving safely in an attractive

and well preserved body.

but rather to skid in sideways,

chocolate in hand,

body thoroughly used up,

totally worn out and screaming

what a ride!


  1. haha... yep this all sound about right lol... except of course for you forgot about the crazy dogs inside...

    Oh and I really like the motto lol

  2. Great blog... it is sooooo true. Love your motto....I may have to steal it....BAWHAHAHA!!!
