Friday, September 17, 2010

My pets

This may sound strange to some - but you haven't lived until you get a dog for a pet.  They bring a level of insanity to your life that you otherwiswe wouldn't have.

Now, my family is REALLY insane!  We have 4 dogs - Buddy, a beagle, Luna, a blue heeler/cocker spaniel cross, Smokey, a corgi/??? cross, and Jade, a Burmeese Mountain Dog/???  cross.  Buddy & Jade were Pound Puppies, rescued from the local animal shelter, and Luna was adopted from a lady who'se dog had puppies, and Smokey was rescued from a questionable home. 

I know it sounds crazy - 4 dogs???  But wait - there's more!  My dad has Peggy, a boston terrier that he rescued from the pound.  Peggy comes over & visits on a pretty regular basis, so on some days we have 5 dogs rolicking around on our yard.  And with 4 or 5 dogs, it can get pretty wild around here. 

All the dogs love to "wrestle" and do so - alot!  They also bark at everything that moves within a 1/4 mile radius of our house.  In and of itself this isn't too bad (yeah, right!), but Luna has this high-pitched yowling bark that could, if left untended, shatter windows and severely damage eardrums.

And they ALL chase squirrels, rabbits, birds, and whatever else wanders into our yard.  Now mind you, they haven't caught one yet - and I believe the squirrels & rabbits know where the fence line is, and get the dogs to chase them just to see them hit the fence at a full run!

These dogs are not the first that we have had - our first dog was Sam & Andy - 2 black toy poodles that my wife had before we got amrried.  Then we got Cheyenne, a border collie/terrier mix.  Then there was Jewell, a golden lab/commodore mix (the color of the lab, the size of the commodore (you know - small horse!).

Unfortunatley for us, these dogs are gone - hopefully to a better place (All dogs DO go to heaven).  And Jade is getting up there in years, but I think she still has a few good years left in her.

When these dogs are gone, will we replace them?  YOU BET!!  Although we may "downsize" a bit - or maybe not.  But we do love these dogs, and recommend that you, too, go to your local shelter and adopt a dog of your own.  Or, if not a dog fancier, many shelters have a selection of cats as well.

I think this video shows it best - check it out:

Adopt a pet today!!

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